When it comes to most sports, playing defense is crucial to the success of your team. Defending in soccer constantly evolves as you continue to play more soccer matches and new players. Defending in soccer is a very personal technique, however, you can always adopt new habits into your style.
When defending in soccer, force the player to put the ball on their non-dominant foot. This alters their confidence because they are not as good with this foot. Then, watch them and shuffle to mimic their dribbling movements. When they mess up, take a bad touch, or hesitate, snatch the ball and pass it to a teammate or dribble out of the pressure.
Do not stab at the ball or cease to apply pressure. As soon as the dribbler recognizes your hesitation, they run right past you and you are unable to catch up. Also, when you approach the dribbler, do not stop moving your feet. Keep them ready because if the dribbler is faster than you, you can still beat him in a race if he stops running and has to start up again while you have never stopped.
To improve your defending in soccer, try utilizing with these defending drills.